Tag Archives: good fortune

Subscribe to Good Fortune – Be “Type 4”

Humans come in all shapes and sizes. The only thing that is true about people is that “people change” and that is constant.

We change… all the time, due to circumstances within and outside our control. Our attitude, behavior and personality changes with time and experience. We behave differently with different people depending on our perspective at the time.

Although we all change and keep changing, all of us fall under one or more of the following types –

Type 1 – The Nice People. These are the kind of folks that always offer to do good but cannot, due to circumstances outside their control. Like the people who offer to share your resume, but do not really know where to. Or the people who talk about having so many connections, that they don’t know who to really reach out to when you need them to. These are the nice, but helpless folks. And we have all been Type 1 at some point in some way or form in our lives.

Type 2 – The Busy People. The kind of folks who want to do good, selfless acts, but will not. Because they are too busy, too focused on their ambitions to spare a thought about anyone else asking for help. So even though they can help and do good, they tend not to.

Type 3 – The Not-so-Nice People. Too self-involved to do good or to help out because they do not want anyone else to be better than them because of greed, envy, covetousness, and an all-round desire to be superior to anyone else. These people do no good because they choose not to. Not because they cannot, but because they do not want to.

Type 4 – The Angels in Disguise. These are the genuinely sweet people who will always do the right thing, do the good thing and might even go out of their way to do something to help – be it emotionally, professionally, financially, or personally. These folks are few and far between. If you have found a Type 4 in your list, hold on to them because they are rare and if you are a “Type 4”, God bless you – You will be subscribing to good fortune 😊

I wish I could be a Type 4 always, but not everyone can, because we are sometimes Type 1 or Type 2 depending on the time, situation, and place in our lives. But I hope I am never a Type 3 – If you think, I am talking about you, well, then you might need an attitude adjustment. But seriously, do not be a Type 3. It really does not help anyone – does not even help you if you are one.

This could not have been truer when it comes to doing good or helping others in their times of need, be it financial, emotional, economical, professional and/or personal. In the last couple of months, we have had to go through a lot – from health issues to car accidents to being laid off… We ran the whole wide gamut of emotions, and we are still reeling. And we have met and experienced all 4 Types of people and were incredibly surprised to know that our assumptions about the folks in our lives were all wrong.

WOW! We were surprised!!! Those whom we thought of as Type 1, turned out to be Type 4!!! And those whom we thought of as Type 4, turned out to be Type 3 – Can you imagine!!!! We realized that to be in a peaceful environment for mental and emotional stability, we would need to weed out the “Type 3” out of our lives. And you will only realize who they are in times of adversity 😊, which we did – shocking even ourselves…LOL!!

Do you want to subscribe to “Good Fortune”? The Type 4 folks do, simply by being. Their helpful kindness will ensure that they are always in the top of the list in the “Good Book.” I wish we all were Type 4. It might be humanly impossible, but with faith all things are possible (From the Bible – Matthew 19:26)

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:9-10 (NIV)