Tag Archives: manners

The “Indian” Etiquette.

Did you know that we “Indians” are some of the most impatient people on this planet? I don’t know of any other set of people who can be this impatient, with a total lack of basic etiquette. I’ll tell you an example, which I have seen myself, which made me stop and think. A few weeks ago we were shopping at one of the popular malls in the city and at the check out counters, we saw everyone crowding near the counters waiting impatiently to bill their items. No “etiquette”. There are no queues as such where people stand in line. People cut in front of you or sometimes push you out of the line, so they can take your spot… It isn’t first come first serve – more like just come and get served at once.

You will rarely if ever see the same scene at any Macy’s or Sears in the US. There is a queue in which everyone waits for their turn and a line behind which people stand so that no one is crowding over the counter or falling on each other. Even we Indians do it when we are in the US. So why not here? How will waiting 10 or 15 minutes more make a difference? If you are in that much of a hurry – then maybe it isn’t the correct time for you to be shopping.

I’ll give you one more example – The doctor’s office. Just last week I had been to the Doctor’s office and had to wait nearly 2 hours to see the doctor. Why? Because there was no etiquette. Of course it was first come first serve, but who will check who has come first? No one. Because people cut in, in front of you or push you to the side almost always that even if you do manage to get in first, you are still the last to see the Doc. I find it very interesting, that even well-educated, working individuals can behave this way. Is it because we are so apathetic that we cannot be bothered with basic good manners? What happened to “Slow and Steady Wins the race”?
I know we weren’t this way as kids. We were taught the value of good manners, to say “Please” and “Thank you” and to respect everyone. If you see children in school, they always stand in line and follow the rules of etiquette well. Why doesn’t that spill over into our personalities when we grow up to be adults? I never knew I was this way until I lived in the US for a few years… and even though that country has problems of its own, this basic etiquette has never been one of them. There is a discipline that is followed be it in a mall, a school, hospital or even on the freeways. And people are more courteous to others even strangers.

We Indians need to learn so much – How to be more patient – especially when waiting at an elevator, a doctor’s office and/or checkout counters. How to be more courteous – especially with people who are in the services industry – waiters, housekeeping staff and/or security guards. How to be kind – with everyone. Living in a country other than India has taught me so much about good etiquette and I feel sad that even though I learned all of it in school and might have practiced them at one time, somewhere along the way I lost it. Now, I hope I remember it all and never lose my way again when it comes to being kind, patient and courteous with everyone.